Foot and Ankle Injuries in Raritan
It’s common enough for your feet to hurt after a long day of walking on them. A big blister after a long hike is hardly a cause for a visit to the doctor, though it may require some at-home treatment. With how common it is for your foot or ankle to feet a little funny, how are you supposed to know when it’s time to see a podiatrist in Raritan for extra care?
1. You Question Whether You Have a Sprain
One of the injuries most of us know about are ankle sprains. If you think you have a sprain, it’s best to go ahead and get it checked out. Left unchecked, you can risk an ankle break or worsening the sprain.
Ankle sprains often happen while we’re just walking down the street. During a simple fall, your ankle may twist and the ligaments in your ankle may tear or just stretch. This will likely hurt a fair amount, but sometimes the pain isn’t the most defining symptom. Other symptoms include difficulty putting weight on your ankle or swelling.
If this has happened to you, rest the ankle, put ice on it, elevate your foot, and contact your doctor for further guidance.
2. You’re Starting a New Exercise Routine in Raritan
In this scenario, if you think you might have an injury, it’s best to get checked out before putting more extra strain on your foot or ankle.
This may go against your instincts. If you’ve just started running regularly, and your ankle is hurting, then that seems natural. Right? But if you’re just starting a new running routine, it might be best to visit your podiatrist anyway. The new strain on your feet and ankles can lead to injuries. If you’re suddenly putting a lot more strain on your body, your Raritan podiatrist can talk you through the best types of shoes and check you over to make sure that if you have any injuries, they’ll heal properly. They can also guide you through how to know when an injury is serious in the future.
3. Your Heels Hurt
Two of the common types of foot injuries that cause heel pain are Plantar Fasciitis and heel spurs, but there are many reasons your heel might hurt. With Plantar Fasciitis, the pain can come and go. Most often, it will hurt most when you step on your foot after you’ve been resting for a while. So when you wake up in the morning and take your first step, you’ll feel pain. As you get going through the day, it may hurt less.
When the pain comes and goes, it’s common for people to brush the symptoms off. They consider it “not that bad” and learn to live with it. However, your podiatrist may be able to offer you at-home treatments that will improve your situation if the cause is something you don’t need to be concerned about. If the problem turns out to be something you need treatment for, you won’t know unless you get an exam. In either scenario, a visit to your care provider is called for.
4. It’s Difficult to Walk
Even if the problem is something you consider small, if you are having a difficult time walking, you need to see a podiatrist. This may feel silly. For example, you may want to say “It’s just my toe”. However, there are lots of foot injuries that are “just a toe” that can be resolved at the doctor but lead to difficulty walking when left on their own.
If you have any questions about your foot health, it never hurts to contact your team at Bridgewater Foot Care LLC and make sure that you’re okay. Your feet keep you mobile. Take care of them so they’ll keep you that way.
9:00am - 12:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
9:30am - 5:00pm
1:00pm - 5:00pm
Bridgewater Foot Care LLC
575 NJ-28 #2107
Raritan, NJ 08869
Our office is located on Building 2, South Entrance, next to Somerset Pediatric Group